July 31, 2017
How long it does it take to stop the DDoS test traffic?
Under 5 seconds including human reaction time. Once the ‘stop’ button is pressed traffic typically stops in 1-2 seconds.
Managed tests: A test can be stopped in three ways:
1. By asking for it to be stopped on the bridge. RedWolf will stop the test. This typically takes 5 seconds.
2. By clicking the ‘emergency stop’ button in the portal. Any user can click the emergency stop button. This stops traffic for all actions (attacks and monitors) in about 2 seconds.
3. By clicking the ‘stop’ button for a specific test. Any user has permission to stop a test. This stops traffic for a given action.
Self-serve portal: A test can be stopped in two ways:
1. By clicking the ‘emergency stop’ button in the portal. Any user can click the emergency stop button. This stops traffic for all actions (attacks and monitors) in about 2 seconds.
2. By clicking the ‘stop’ button for a specific test. Any user has permission to stop a test. This stops traffic for a given action.